Saturday 17 May 2014

My Achievements in May, 2014 [on going ~ waiting for another blast!]

Posted by ritma on 19:37

  1. Alhamdulillah I found my age 19 years old. wish that I am getting mature in every step that I take.
  2. My close friends (Septika Ariyanti, Defy Gustianing, Desi Kurniati, Adelina Octa Puspita, and Riris Harwiyati) gave me surprise during my birthday. Thank you so much! They gave me a tart cake, but unfortunately I broke it (the cake fell down :v)
  3. I can handle my college assignments well. wish this will last forever until I graduate from this university. No obstacles. Amin...
  4. I and my friends (Riris, Teh Alice, Nanda, Oppa Andrew, Ipin) get an opportunity from my lecturer to join English debate, at least It is useful to drill and encourage my speaking ability. it's useful too, b'cuz in this debate exercises, I have so many knowledges and experiences to know more about latest issue in my own country and another issue from the world outside.
  5. I and my friends in my class (Indah Maharani and Desi Wahyuni) were accepted to join Voice of Muhammadiyah Metro through PSM audition. Finally I can improve one of my hobbies in this club.
  6. My parents gave me enough money that I can buy a lot of things I need. Lol. just kidding. ok? :D
-- A lot of amazing things happened in this precious May --

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