Monday, 17 March 2014


Posted by ritma on 11:06

        Expository paragraph is a paragraph that explains or analyzes a topic. It is also a generic name for sub genres in writing paragraph such as procedure, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast paragraph. It includes information, explanation, facts, and illustrations. There are some characteristics of expository paragraph. An expository paragraph gives information on a subject, or a series of steps explaining how to do something. When writing this paragraph, select a topic, write a thesis sentence, and then select a method of development. As for the descriptive paragraph, the expository paragraph has similarities to that desctiptive paragraph  in that the tenses depend on the time of description. So, In expository paragraph, it can use present or past tense or even future tense. Language forms of expository paragraph are using process verb such as begin, start, continue, become, remain, develop, end, finish, and others. It uses indefinite transitions. Using question word mark such how and why. Sometimes, it uses charts, graphics, and other visual aids. The example of descriptive paragraph are such as How Cheese is Made, How to do Theraphy, How to be an Optimist, and many more. 

3 komentar:

The examples are such as How to Make a Pan Cake, How is Paper Made, ect.
You can develope those sample by yourself XD

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